Hanotiau & van den Berg

Speaking engagements

Speaking engagements

  • Multiple Jurisdictions Clauses in International Contracts

    by Pascal Hollander - 20.10.2014

    Annual Conference of the International Bar Association, Tokyo

  • Développements récents concernant les conflits de lois et l’arbitrage dans les contrats de distribution commerciale

    by Pascal Hollander - 10.10.2014

    Formation Larcier : Actualités en droit de la distribution, Louvain-la-Neuve, 10 October 2014

  • Emergency arbitration in practice : How it works? Does it work?

    by Pascal Hollander - 07.10.2014

    CEPANI 40, Brussels, 7 October 2014

  • L’arrêt UNAMAR de la CJUE : une bombe atomique sur le droit belge de la distribution commerciale?

    by Pascal Hollander - 30.09.2014

    AEDC, Brussels, 30 September 2014

  • The Unamar case: what is the actual meaning of the decision of the Court?

    by Pascal Hollander - 14.06.2014

    IDI Conference 2014, Torino (Italy), 13-14 June 2014

  • “Practical Experiences with the new arbitration rules of 2013 of the arbitration institute of the Finland Chamber of commerce” – a perspective from the international Board member

    by HVDB - 05.06.2014

    Helsinki International Arbitration Day 2014, Helsinki, 5 June 2014

  • Recent Development in IP Disputes

    by Pascal Hollander - 04.06.2014

    2014 Annual Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China, ICC, Paris, 4 June 2014 (moderators : Pascal Hollander & Philipp Groz)

  • The emergency arbitrator

    by Pascal Hollander - 29.05.2014

    “International Arbitration today: first principles, current practice, latest trends”, IBA Toronto (Canada), 29-30 May 2014

  • The Arbitral Award and the Dissenting Opinion

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 25.05.2014

    Kigali International Arbitration Centre, International Arbitration Conference, 25-27 May 2014, Kigali (Rwanda)

  • David and Goliath: Legal issues in small franchisor / big franchisee international franchise deals and relationships

    by Pascal Hollander - 07.05.2014

    IBA / IFA Conference Chicago, 7 May 2014