Speaking engagements
Speaking engagements Pascal Hollander
New York Convention public policy as a ground for denying enforcement of awards and recent general developments
International Bar Association (IBA) 2015 Annual Conference, Vienna (Austria), 6 October 2015
Aspects de droit international privé et d’arbitrage de la distribution commerciale
Conférence Jeune Barreau, Brussels
The law applied to arbitrability by arbitral tribunals
Annual Conference of the International Bar Association, Tokyo
Multiple Jurisdictions Clauses in International Contracts
Annual Conference of the International Bar Association, Tokyo
Développements récents concernant les conflits de lois et l’arbitrage dans les contrats de distribution commerciale
Formation Larcier : Actualités en droit de la distribution, Louvain-la-Neuve, 10 October 2014
Emergency arbitration in practice : How it works? Does it work?
CEPANI 40, Brussels, 7 October 2014
L’arrêt UNAMAR de la CJUE : une bombe atomique sur le droit belge de la distribution commerciale?
AEDC, Brussels, 30 September 2014
The Unamar case: what is the actual meaning of the decision of the Court?
IDI Conference 2014, Torino (Italy), 13-14 June 2014
Recent Development in IP Disputes
2014 Annual Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China, ICC, Paris, 4 June 2014 (moderators : Pascal Hollander & Philipp Groz)
The emergency arbitrator
“International Arbitration today: first principles, current practice, latest trends”, IBA Toronto (Canada), 29-30 May 2014