Hanotiau & van den Berg



  • Internationale Arbitrage in Nederland en Arbitrage buiten Nederland (International Arbitraion in The Netherlands and Arbitration outside The Netherlands)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1987

    in Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, 1987/5 (121-128)

  • National Report: The Netherlands

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1987

    in Yearbook Comm. Arb., Vol. XII, 1987 (3-38)

  • De gewijzigde statuten (1987) van de Raad van Arbitrage voor de Bouwbedrijven in Nederland (The Amended Statute of the Board of Arbitration for the Building Industry in The Netherlands)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1987

    in Bouwrecht, 1987 (709-730)

  • The New York Arbitration Convention of 1958 and the Arab Countries

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1987

    Conference on Arbiration in Euro-Arab Relations, Sousse, Tunisia, 24-27 September 1985, reprinted in Euro-Arab Chambers of Commerce, Euro-Arab Arbitration, London, 1987 (54-65)

  • The Enforcement of Arbitral Awards against a State: The Problem of Immunity from Execution

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1986

    in Contemporary Problems in International Arbitration (Julian D.M. Lew, ed.), 1986 (co-authored with Giorgio Bernini)

  • Nieuwe arbitragewet door de tweede kamer aanvaard (New Arbitration Act approved by Dutch Parliament)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1986

    in Advocatenblad, Vol. 66, 1986 (267-271)

  • Consolidated Arbitrations and the 1958 New York Convention

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1986

    in Arbitration International, Vol. 2, 1986 (367-369)

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  • Internationale Bouwarbitrage (International Construction Arbitration)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1986

    in Bouwrecht, 1986 (281-292)

  • Commentaries on Court Decisions on the New York Convention of 1958

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1986

    in Yearbook Comm. Arb., Vol. XI, Kluwer Law International, 1986 (393-584)

  • General Editor, Yearbook Commercial Arbitration

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1986

    Vol. XI, Kluwer Law International, 1986

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