Internationale Bouwarbitrage (International Construction Arbitration)
in Bouwrecht, 1986 (281-292)
Commentaries on Court Decisions on the New York Convention of 1958
in Yearbook Comm. Arb., Vol. XI, Kluwer Law International, 1986 (393-584)
General Editor, Yearbook Commercial Arbitration
Vol. XI, Kluwer Law International, 1986
Download PDFNon-Domestic Arbitral Awards under the 1958 New York Convention
in Arbitration International, Vol. 2, 1986 (191-219)
The Enforcement of Arbitral Awards against a State – The Problem of Immunity from Execution
with Prof. G. Bernini, Inaugural Conference of the School of International Arbitration, London, 25-27 March 1985, Queen Mary College – University of London, in J. Lew, Ed., Contemporary Problems in International Arbitration, London, 1986 (359-373)
Download PDFTélématique et droit international privé: les flux transfrontières de données
in Les aspects juridiques, économiques et politiques de la télématique, Kluwer, 1985, t.II
Les clauses de limitation et d’exonération de responsabilité en droit américain
Droit et pratique du commerce international, 1985, 517
Commentaries on Court Decisions on the New York Convention of 1958
in Yearbook Comm. Arb., Vol. X, Kluwer Law International, 1978 (329-416)
When is an Arbitral Award Non-Domestic under the New York Convention of 1958?
in Pace Law Review, 1985 (25-65)
Dient er een aparte Nederlandse wet voor internationale arbitrages te komen? (Should there be a separate Dutch Act on International Arbitration?)
in Ars Aequi, 1985 (389-393)
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