Hanotiau & van den Berg



  • International Commercial Arbitration in Belgium

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1990

    American Review of International Arbitration, 1990, 327

  • Le statut du dirigeant d’entreprise en droit belge

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1990

    Les cahiers du Barreau de Paris, 1990, and second edition, 1993 (co-author: L.P. Brusseleers)

  • Observations under Comm., Bruxelles, 22 Juni 1989

    by Pascal Hollander - 1990

    Revue de Droit Commercial, 1990 (p. 706)

  • Commentaries on Court Decisions on the New York Convention of 1958

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1990

    in Yearbook Comm. Arb., Vol. XV, Kluwer Law International, 1990 (335-618)

  • General Editor, Yearbook Commercial Arbitration

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1990

    Vol. XV, Kluwer Law International, 1990

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  • Liability of Arbitrators under Netherlands Law

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1990

    in J. Lew, Ed., The Immunity of Arbitrators, London, 1990 (59-64)

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  • Hoe gastvrij is Nederland voor de internationale arbitrage? (How hospitable are The Netherlands with regard to international arbitration?)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1990

    Inaugurational Lecture, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Kluwer Law International, 1990

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  • L’arbitrage international en Belgique

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1989

    in L’arbitrage, Travaux offerts au professeur Fettweiss, Story-Scientia, 1989, 143

  • Un autre mode de rĂ©solution des litiges commerciaux: l’arbitrage

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1989

    Gestion 2000, Management et Prospective, 1989, 111

  • Multiparty arbitration in France, The Netherlands and Belgium

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1989

    Report to the ICC Seminar on multiparty arbitration, Stockholm, 1989