Hanotiau & van den Berg



  • Chronique de droit des contrats internationaux, Belgique

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1991

    Revue de droit des affaires internationales, 1991, 1003

  • General Editor, Preventing Delay and Disruption of Arbitration

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1991

    in ICCA Congress Series n° 5, Stockholm 1990, Kluwer Law International, 1991

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  • Commentaries on Court Decisions on the New York Convention of 1958

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1991

    in Yearbook Comm. Arb., Vol. XVI, Kluwer Law International, 1991

  • General Editor, Yearbook Commercial Arbitration

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1991

    Vol. XVI, Kluwer Law International, 1991

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  • Geschillen- en klachtencommissies: bindend advies of arbitrage (Disputes- and Complaints Committees: binding advice or arbitration)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1991

    in Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, 2/1991 (41-43)

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  • Internationale Geschillenbeslechting (Settlement of International Disputes)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1991

    in Account Dossier n° 6, 1991 (114-118)

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  • De kwaliteit van arbitrage is de kwaliteit van de arbiter (The quality of arbitration is the quality of the arbitrator)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1991

    in Account, May 1991 (24-29)

  • The Netherlands

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1991

    in Resolving Disputes – an International Guide to Commercial Arbitration Procedures, International Financial Law Review, special supplement September, 1991 (40-44)

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  • Burgerlijk Procesrecht (Civil Procedural Law)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1991

    in Ars. Aequi, n° 41, 1991 (1799-1800)

  • Report in the Arbitral Process and the Independence of Arbitrators

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1991

    ICC, Paris, 1991

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