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General Editor, Preventing Delay and Disruption of Arbitration
in ICCA Congress Series n° 5, Stockholm 1990, Kluwer Law International, 1991
Download PDFCommentaries on Court Decisions on the New York Convention of 1958
in Yearbook Comm. Arb., Vol. XVI, Kluwer Law International, 1991
General Editor, Yearbook Commercial Arbitration
Vol. XVI, Kluwer Law International, 1991
Download PDFGeschillen- en klachtencommissies: bindend advies of arbitrage (Disputes- and Complaints Committees: binding advice or arbitration)
in Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, 2/1991 (41-43)
Download PDFInternationale Geschillenbeslechting (Settlement of International Disputes)
in Account Dossier n° 6, 1991 (114-118)
Download PDFDe kwaliteit van arbitrage is de kwaliteit van de arbiter (The quality of arbitration is the quality of the arbitrator)
in Account, May 1991 (24-29)