Hanotiau & van den Berg



  • General Editor, Yearbook Commercial Arbitration

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1996

    Vol. XXI, Kluwer Law International, 1996

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  • Residual Discretion and Validity of the Arbitration Agreement in the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards under the New York Convention

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1996

    Current Legal Issues in International Commercial Litigation, SICBL Publications, Vol. VIII, 1996

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  • The New York Convention: Its Intended Effects, Its Interpretation, Salient Problem Areas

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1996

    in The New York Convention of 1958 (9) (25-45), ASA: Zürich, 1996 (Marc Blessing, Eds.)

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  • Summary of Court Decisions on the New York Convention

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1996

    in The New York Convention of 1958 (9) (46-99), ASA: Zürich, 1996 (Marc Blessing, Eds.)

  • Internationale arbitrage in Nederland onder de huidige arbitragewet (International Arbitration in The Netherlands pursuant to the Arbitration Act of 1986)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1996

    in Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, 1996/4 (169-185)

  • Arbitraal beding in fusie- en overnamecontracten (Arbitration agreement in merger- and take-over agreements)

    by Albert Jan van den Berg - 1996

    in De Naamloze Vennootschap (The Company with Limited Liability), Kluwer, October 1996, n° 10 (268-272) (with D.C.C. van Everdingen)

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  • Competition Law Issues in International Commercial Arbitration

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1995

    American Review of International Arbitration, 1995, 287

  • Arbitrage international et droit belge de la concession

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1995

    Revue de l’Arbitrage, 1995, 311

  • Arbitrage et concessions de vente

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1995

    note under Comm. Bruxelles, 5 octobre 1994, Journal des Tribunaux, 1995, 346

  • La pratique de l’arbitrage international en matière bancaire

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 1995

    in Les modes non judiciaires de règlement des conflits, Bruylant, Brussels, 1995, 67