Hanotiau & van den Berg


Publications Bernard Hanotiau

  • L’arbitrabilité des litiges de propriété intellectuelle

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2010

    in La résolution des litiges de propriété intellectuelle, University of Geneva, Law Faculty, 2010, p.155

  • Multiparty Arbitration

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2010

    ICC Institute of World Business Law, 2010 (edited with Eric A. Schwartz)

  • Multiple parties and multiple contracts in international arbitration

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2009

    in Multiple Party Actions in International Arbitration, Permanent Court of Arbitration (ed.), Oxford University Press, 2009, 35

  • Investment Treaty Arbitration and Commercial Arbitration: are they different ball games?

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2009

    in 50 years of the New York Convention, ICCA Congress Series, n°14, Kluwer, 2009, p.146

  • Massive Production of Documents and Demonstrative Exhibits

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2009

    in Written Evidence and Discovery in International Arbitration, ICC Publications, Paris, 2009, 357

  • Arbitrability, Due Process and Public Policy under Article V of the New York Convention – Belgian and French Perspectives

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2008

    Journal of International Arbitration, 2008, 6 (co-author: Olivier Caprasse)

  • Public Policy in International Commercial Arbitration

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2008

    In Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and International Arbitral Awards, The New York Convention in Practice (E. Gaillard & D. Di Pietro, edts), Cameron May, 2008, p.787 (co-author: Olivier Caprasse)

  • Mieux maîtriser le temps et réduire les coûts dans l’Arbitrage International

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2008

    Liber Amicorum Guy Keutgen, Bruylant, Brussels, 2008, 377

  • Les groupes de sociétés dans l’arbitrage commercial international

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2007

    in La convention d’arbitrage, groupes de sociétés et groupes de contrats, Bruylant, 2007, 113

  • Non-signatories in international arbitration: lessons from thirty years of case law

    by Bernard Hanotiau - 2007

    in ICCA Congress Series, n°13, 2007, 341