Publications Bernard Hanotiau
L’arbitrabilité des litiges de propriété intellectuelle
in La résolution des litiges de propriété intellectuelle, University of Geneva, Law Faculty, 2010, p.155
Multiparty Arbitration
ICC Institute of World Business Law, 2010 (edited with Eric A. Schwartz)
Multiple parties and multiple contracts in international arbitration
in Multiple Party Actions in International Arbitration, Permanent Court of Arbitration (ed.), Oxford University Press, 2009, 35
Investment Treaty Arbitration and Commercial Arbitration: are they different ball games?
in 50 years of the New York Convention, ICCA Congress Series, n°14, Kluwer, 2009, p.146
Massive Production of Documents and Demonstrative Exhibits
in Written Evidence and Discovery in International Arbitration, ICC Publications, Paris, 2009, 357
Arbitrability, Due Process and Public Policy under Article V of the New York Convention – Belgian and French Perspectives
Journal of International Arbitration, 2008, 6 (co-author: Olivier Caprasse)
Public Policy in International Commercial Arbitration
In Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and International Arbitral Awards, The New York Convention in Practice (E. Gaillard & D. Di Pietro, edts), Cameron May, 2008, p.787 (co-author: Olivier Caprasse)
Mieux maîtriser le temps et réduire les coûts dans l’Arbitrage International
Liber Amicorum Guy Keutgen, Bruylant, Brussels, 2008, 377
Les groupes de sociétés dans l’arbitrage commercial international
in La convention d’arbitrage, groupes de sociétés et groupes de contrats, Bruylant, 2007, 113
Non-signatories in international arbitration: lessons from thirty years of case law
in ICCA Congress Series, n°13, 2007, 341